It is not a good practice to dry fire paintball markers, as it can give unnessicairy wear to the o-rings.
i think so
Ok, considering the last person didn't give you a good answer, here's mine. The paintball "marker" is the proper term for the gun. It's called a marker because it "marks" what it shoots.
If your a beginner. It's ok, but don't get it if you have been playing for a while. All and all, no, not really.
It depends on where your backyard is. If it's your backyard and you are in a rural area, you should be OK. But if you are in a less rural area, there may be laws against discharging projectile weapons like BB guns, arrows, and paintball guns.
Air guns are usually recommended for sport rather than battle (paintball and BB's). An actual bullet may not be a wise choice for such guns, as only special ammo or low caliber shot is effective with an air gun.
no, the paintball gun is dangerous and is not allowed in some places.if you are asking about some back woods then the answer is yes, its gennerally just fine, if the property belongs to someone ok it with them first, if it is city property it is gennerally a good idea to contact your local police first and ok it with them, in a public place is never a good idea (parks, walking trails etc) just make sure the general public is well out of range and you should be fine
Whatever you do, dont use rem-oil, any other oil made for real firearms or aerosol sprays, they will eat away the o-rings and wear out the paintball gun. Use oil made for paintball guns or air tool oil. a paintball gun is essentially and air tool. the easiest way is to put 6 or so drops of oil into the place where you screw in the tank, then screw in the tank and fire a few shots. you dont need paint to do this. You should use only manufacturer-recommended lubricant for your gun. Your gun's owners manual should tell you how to lubricate the gun. If youdon't have it then youcan go to their website. The best paintball oil is Gold Cup oil and the best grease is Gold Cup Final Solution grease.
It is OK
Not everywhere, private property and paintball fields are fine. Often it is also ok to play on unincorporated county land however it is typically best to check with the local authorities first just to make sure.
Getting the tactical will due the best in the woods but definatly not on an airball field. The ion will work on both. You don't need a stock and crazy sights to have a good woodsball gun. Go with the ion, it won't let you down
they made by this stuipd person ok