it is leaves i like leaves i also like cheese but I'm not weird no I'm just strange but i don't like twigs.
Try taking the ivy plant out of the sun and taking all dead leafs off.
needle leafes are sharp and broud leafs are bigger and rounder
how are leafs different
leafs lots of leafs
No. A coil spring has coils, no leafs. A leaf spring has leafs, anywhere from one leaf to many leafs depending on the application.
Young Leafs is a porn site.
a girrafe eats leafs
leafs rule..wait we aren't living in 1967 anymore I am so sorry. Leafs suck!
Leafs TV was created in 2001.
no! 'cause bugs and insect cant harm you, and teddys could not kill you. nore could leafes or paper kill you.
Right now 1) Carolina hurricanes 2) Toronto maple leafes