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No. The batter doesn't have to run after he hits a fair ball, but he won't be a Baseball player very long if he doesn't. A coach won't tolerate a player who doesn't want to play.

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Q: Is it compulsory for the batter to run on a fair hit?
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How does a player hit a home run in baseball?

The most common way a home run is hit is when a batter hits a ball over the fence in fair territory. The other way a home run can be hit is called an inside-the-park home run, which is when a batter hits a fair ball that does not leave playable territory and the batter reaches home plate before the defensive team puts him out and there are no errors on the play.

What is considered a home run?

A hit that allows the batter to make a complete circuit of the diamond and score a run, either hit over the fence, or and inside the park home run, which is when the ball is hit and allows the batter to score a run without the ball even leaving the park

In baseball what is the difference between hit and run and run and hit?

In a run and hit the runner has the option to steal or not depending on whether he gets a good jump and the batter has the option to swing or not depending on if it is a pitch he wants to hit. In a hit and run, the runner steals and the batter is supposed to swing. The run and hit is a safer play.

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A ball hit in fair territory that goes over the fence in the air without striking the ground first. In addition a ball hit in fair territory staying inside the park and the batter/runner touching ever base with no fielding errors being charged on the play.

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What is a hit that lets the batter run to first base?

A single

How is a foul ball determined?

A Fair ball is any ball that either 1)lands in fair territory in the outfield (including hitting the wall) 2) hits or bounces over first or third base 3) leaves the park between the foul poles or hitting the foul poles (home run) 4) is first touched by a fielder in fair territory 5)stops moving with being touched in fair territory, and 6) did not hit the batter. Any ball that is not fair, is foul.

Who was the First batter to hit a home run against every major league team?

Sammy Sosa was the first batter to hit a home run against every Major league team

What does a batter have to do to hit for the cycle?

Hit a... - Single - Double - Triple - Home Run in the same game

How do you get a RBI?

An RBI, or Run Batted In, is received when a batter gets a base hit and a run comes in.

How do you use a batter in a sentence?

She was afraid he would batter her when he got angry. She stirred the cake batter until it was smooth. The batter hit a home run.