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Generally it is bad to leave batteries in anything battery operated for long periods of time. I have ruined more than one useful thing because I left batteries in until they started to corrode. In the case of paintball guns, leaving batteries in is essentially the same as leaving a low grade weapon around for anyone to use or misuse. You can do damage with an improperly handled paintball gun.

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Q: Is it bad to leave batteries in your paintball gun when you are not using it?
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Is paintball bad for the enviorment?

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Batteries go bad. Even lithium ion batteries. You need to get a new battery. Do not leave it plugged in all the time.

What are good and bad things about using batteries?

Good things about using batteries are that they are portable, convenient, and can be easily replaced when they run out. On the other hand, the bad things about using batteries are that they can be expensive in the long run, contribute to electronic waste when disposed of improperly, and may not always provide a reliable power source.

Are batteries bad for the envoirment?

If they are recycled properly, no, they are not bad for the environment.

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the duracell batteries have probably gone bad. If you bought them recently, you might have bought them bad right off the shelf. technically, they should last you about time and a half in the camera. also, if you use the batteries for a while and then stop using them and let them sit at a discharged state for a couple months or more, the batteries will go bad. they may take a charge but they will be unable to hold the charge.

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it is bad to trow batteries away because it will go in to the ground and the plants will die.

What paintballs should you use for a dangerous power g3 paintball gun?

any .68 caliber will work, really though go to a paintball shop, anything from a store that is not paintball specific will be pretty bad paint that has been sitting there for months

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yea batteries is legal in Mexico it can really mess you up

How many batteries does the Nerf big bad arrow need?

According to various toy websites, the Nerf Big Bad Bow does not require batteries.

Does paintball hurt?

In general you can expect a paintball to sting (comparative to a thick rubber band snap to the back of the neck, but wherever you are hit), as they're normally shot at around 300 ft/ sec. Without clothes, paintballs will generally leave a welt.

Is the dangeres powers fx fution a bad paintball gun?

No, it is a decent marker with quality parts.