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yes it is. well actually i have no idea, but technically you are not meant to have more than 5 men on the court at once, so if you put 6 men on it would be technically incorrect, so it is probably a technical foul.
just joshing ya! having 6 men on the court is a technical foul!
may i just draw attention to the fact that not only men can play Basketball. women can too!!! for gods sake, this is the 21st century, people!!!

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13y ago

A warning for a technical foul or a technical foul itself could be given on the violating team and an extra 1/2 free throws an a possession is given to the other team. The violating team is also ordered to remove one of their players.

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10y ago

Not a technical but it is a foul and if the person makes the free throw then it's the other teams ball but if they miss it is a live ball

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Q: Is it a technical foul to have 6 men on the court at one time in a basketball game?
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No. It would instantly be a technical foul.

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no that is not aloud you have to pick from the 5 you have on the court when the technical foul happens

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All of them. If a player shows up naked, I believe it is a technical foul.

How is the game restarted after a technical foul?

The team that did not recieve the technical foul, picks a shooter, and then shoot two foul shots, then the team that got to shoot the foul shots get the ball on the side out of bounds.

How many players can be on a basketball court per game?

At one time, there may be 10 players on a court, 5 from each team. During substitutions and time-outs, there may be brief moments when there are more than 10 players on the court at one time. During game play, keeping too many players on the court other than to switch a player out will result in a technical foul.

When a player gets a foul in basketball does that mean they did something wrong?

In Basketball, a foul, is a penalty for doing something against the rules of the game.

If all but four players foul out can the game continue?

Yes. What will happen is that the last person to foul out will get called for a technical because there are no players left to play. The other team will get two technical foul shots, and the game will continue.

What is meant by a disqualifying foul in basketball?

A disqualifying foul is one that causes the player to be ejected from the game.

What happens if everyone fouls out in a basketball game?

In the college game, a team has to forfeit the game when they are down to one eligible player--- unless the referee believes they could still win the game. In the NBA, teams must have five players on the court, and there is a rarely-used procedure where players can come back into the game if their team runs out of players. If a player comes back in after fouling out and gets another personal foul, his team is assessed a technical foul in addition to the personal foul.

What is a dead ball foul in a basketball game?

over the back.

What is the ressuption of the game when a technical foul happen in the 3 point area?

you still get one short no matter where you at on the court. a technical foul is not like a regular foul. it's commonly called for yelling at the ref's cause their was a big issue last year in the NBA finals. so you will see tech fouls more often in the 2010 season.

What Type of basketball court used for a basketball game?
