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Yes. The referee will award the goal.

If the referee believes it was done deliberately the defender would be cautioned for unsporting behavior. A send off would not be warranted in this case because no goal-scoring opportunity was denied.

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14y ago
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14y ago

If the ball hits a defender's hand and goes into the goal then a goal is awarded.

If, in the opinion of the referee, it was done deliberately then the defender would be cautioned. A send off would not be warranted because a goal scoring opportunity was not denied.

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14y ago

Yes..... I did it once from a goal kick and it was allowed.....

There is nothing in the Laws of Association Football that prevents a goalkeeper from scoring a goal against his opponents. Likewise, if he were to score direct from a goal kick, that is perfectly reasonable.

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14y ago

If the ball completely exits the field across the goal line, between the goal posts, and under the cross bar then a goal is awarded. This is true even if it comes back onto the field.

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Q: Is it a goal if there is a shot and it deflects off the defenders hand and into the goal?
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Does the defense mens defend the goal?

The defenders stand in front of the goalie and goal, and keep the ball away from the goal. Although, if the goalie takes the ball and starts running down field and loses it, the defender will step in the goal in order to not allow a long shot goal.

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It is a blocked shot, not a shot on goal. To be counted as a shot on goal it has to be stopped by the goalie or a goal.

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It deflects the bullet directly back at whoever shot it.

In hockey if the netminder has been pulled and a player saves the puck from going in by closing his hand on the puck in the crease?

The rule is that if a player closes his hand on the puck in the goal crease, then a penalty shot is awarded, if the goalie has been pulled when a penalty shot is awarded, then the referee awards a goal to the team instead.

What is another name for a defender in soccer?

They help defend the goal, by trying to stop the other team scoring. The goalkeeper stays in the goal and the defenders are further out, trying to stop the other team getting close to the goal or getting a shot at goal. There are usually four defenders, though it is up to the manager as to how many they have. That will depend on their tactics. So they might have an extra defender or they could decide to have one less and move another player towards the middle or front of the pitch.

What type of NHL shot qualifies for a NHL shot on goal?

There is no NHL definition or rule of a shot, therefore, a shot on goal is up to the discretion of the official scorer. But in general terms, a shot on goal is a shot that is taken with the intent to score that either goes into the net for a goal or the goalie saves from going into the net for a goal. A shot that hits the goalpost or crossbar, or a shot the goalie stops that would not have gone in the net is not considered a shot on goal. A clearing pass that goes through everybody and winds up being stopped by the goalie is not considered a shot on goal because there was not intent by the 'shooter' to score a goal. Similarly an errant pass from a teammate that is stopped by the goalie is not considered a shot on goal.

What happens when a player deflects a ball?

When a player deflects a ball, they change the direction or path of the ball away from its original trajectory. This can be done intentionally to redirect the ball towards a teammate or away from the goal, or it may happen unintentionally as a result of trying to block a shot or pass. Deflecting a ball can be an effective defensive technique in sports like soccer, basketball, and hockey.

How can you score a goal well?

practice your shot and remember to hit the ball with the laces of your cleats and to aim for the corners also remember a bad shot on goal is better than a good shot off goal

What players can shot in netball?

Goal Attack and Goal Shooter

When shooting for a goal and you missed a net is that considered a shot on goal?


If the offense is taking a shot at the goal how many people is allowed in the goalie box?

This depends on how the shot is being taken and what this "goalie box" is. If this is a penalty kick, the only players allowed in the penalty area (the larger of the two rectangular areas or "boxes" that surround the goal) are the goalkeeper, or goalie, and the player taking the kick. If this is not a penalty kick, there is no limit to the number of defenders anywhere near the goal. These players still cannot use their hands though and if someone were to block a shot with their hands, they may be red carded, or removed from the game. I hope this answers your question.