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In Bowling, the pins knocked down by the ball do not count.

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Q: Is it a foul to cross the centerline?
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A yellow centerline markings between lanes indicates that?

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If the pitch dropped during delivery does not cross a foul line shall be called a no pitch?

it's a no pitch if it does not cross the foul line. if it crosses the foul line it's a ball

Are the players feet in volleyball allowed to cross the centerline?


What is yellow line below net in volleyball?

the centerline, a player cannot cross this line at anytime during the game

What point can a bowler not cross when before bowling?

A bowler is not permitted to cross the foul line.

If a ball is hit a hits the base but does not cross it is the ball fair or fowl?

if it stayed fair its fair if it went foul its foul

Why do you want the centerline of the runway to be on the drivers right?

The centerline of the runway is in the center, not on the right.

What is the line at the start of the lane that the bowler can not cross when rolling the boling ball?

The foul line is the term used for the line that a bowler can not cross when delivering the ball. Touching the lane with any part of the body past the line is called a foul.

How far is centerline station 2 away from the initial offset of the centerline point?

400 feet

What is the constitutes a foul in bowling?

If you cross the foul line, it will constitute a foul. The most common is your foot sliding past the approach, crossing the line and touching the lane. Another common reason is becoming unbalanced after releasing the ball to where you stumble and a part of your body touches the line or beyond the foul line.

What is Rear track of a car?

Track is the dimension from the centerline of the tire tread on one tire to the centerline of the tire tread on the opposite tire on the same end of the vehicle, front track or rear track. Wheelbase is the dimension from the centerline of the front tire to the centerline of the rear tire.