Yes it is legal but to be able to complete the leap and the block you are increasing the risk for injury exponentially. Some might try it- Once!
By definition, a lateral is a pass that is thrown sideways to or behind the passer and is legal anywhere on the field, behind the line of scrimmage or beyond the line of scrimmage.
it is not legal to drop kick beyond the line of scrimmage. all you can do beyond the line of scrimmage is pitch the ball backwards.
It is not legal anywhere on the field. So, it applys all over.
Yes, as long as the player does not climb upon his own team's player.
It was never illegal in football.
A legal pass is anypass that is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage...the imaginary line across the field where the play began...A player may pitch the ball backward at anytime while beyond the line of scrimmage. Any ball thrown forward beyond the LOS is an illegal pass.
In most leagues, yes, this is legal provided that both are near the line of scrimmage and that the receiver is not illegally using his hands to restrain or grapple the defender.
No! A pass is only legal if it is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage. A pass is illegal if it is thrown from in front of the line of scrimmage.
Yes. As long as there are at least 7 players on the line of scrimmage, any formation is legal.
If it doesn't cross the line of scrimmage and the kicking team recovers the ball, the kicking team can kick again on the next down. This happened this week in Iowa vs Northern Iowa. Read about it here:
Wrong choice of terminology - a Forward Pass must be made behind or in the neutral zone (the width of the ball where it is spotted for the Down) by the passer to be legal, and be caught by an eligible receiver to be complete. It can, however, be caught by an eligible receiver anywhere on the field of play, even behind the line of scrimmage.
Yes it is legal to block your own driveway.