This is not a complete list but soccer, football, Baseball (partially), Lacrosse, Field Hockey, ultimate frisbee, golf, polo, tennis (Wimbledon) are played on grass.
Ice Hockey is Hockey played on ice; as compared to Field Hockey which is played on grass.
Hockey was not played during Shakespeare's time. There was a game called hurling that was played with sticks and balls on grass.
Hockey is played all around the world, on grass, dirt, artificial surfaces, ice, frozen ponds and many other types of area.
No it can be played anywhere but the ground she be flat and the grass should be very short.
Ice hockey is played on ice, while field hockey is played on a grass surface, the rules in field hockey are kinder than ice hockey, and the sticks vary between versions.
Field Hockey, at the higher levels is normally played on a turf field. High schools normally will play on grass.
Field hockey played on a grass turf is very common in most countries otherwise involved in field hockey, in areas which do not have easy access to an artificial turf or simply wish their players to play on a grass field for some reason (it is cheaper to maintain and players with major experience on grass often have better coordination and skills than those who play on artificial or other fields).
In my opinion its not real hockey....... its called field hockey, the reason I think it was invented is for people who cant skate.
This is a present perfect question.I have played hockey. Have you ever played hockey?
it depends what type of hockey grass astro turf indoor ice
Hockey is mostly played in Canada