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no. you are a pansie for asking that question

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Related questions

What eats pansies?

There are a few different garden pests that eat pansies. The usual culprits that eat pansies are, spider mites, caterpillars, cutworms, and aphids.

Are pansies safe for cats?

NO NO NO NO! do NOT let your cat anywhere near pansies! a sniff of a pansy will slowly kill the cat!

What are the release dates for Pants and Pansies - 1912?

Pants and Pansies - 1912 was released on: USA: 25 January 1912

Can anyone tell what movie had talking pansies in it It is an animated movie and it had 6 pansies in it with faces and they talked?

Alice and Wonderland

What actors and actresses appeared in Pants and Pansies - 1912?

The cast of Pants and Pansies - 1912 includes: Alice Davenport as May

What has the author Henry H P Severin written?

Henry H. P. Severin has written: 'Color breaking in pansies and violas' -- subject(s): Pansies, Cucumber mosaic virus, Diseases and pests 'Color breaking in pansies and violas' -- subject(s): Pansies, Cucumber mosaic virus, Diseases and pests

What is a metaphor for blooming pansies?

Blooming pansies are like vibrant paint strokes on a canvas, adding a pop of color and joy to the garden.

How much do pansies cost?

Pansies cost different amounts in various stores but usually between 4 - 8 dollars for a punnet.

The latin word for pansies?

Garden pansies are called Viola x Wittrockiana a hybid of V. tricolor and V.lutea and possibly V. altaica.

Plural of pansy?

The plural of pansy is Pansies.

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What does the phrase PR4P stand for?

Pancreas's are for pansies