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Yes, if you do it with rubber balls in elementry school. if not, no. (why is it illegal?)

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15y ago
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14y ago

It is legal as long as you hit only the people that are playing.

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14y ago

Yes as long as you only hit the people that are playing.

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13y ago

yes because, it was outlawed as bullying, and New Jersey has a No Bullying Law

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14y ago

No dodgeball is not legal

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Q: Is dodge ball banned in NJ schools?
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When was dodgeball banned in NJ?

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yes. they just call it different names now though. In Cape May, NJ they call it Caper Ball. In West Deptford, NJ they call it Hand Ball and change the rules a bit so it's like dodgeball except you also have a goalie who is immune to being out and a goal to protect.

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The M1 carbine is banned by name in NJ legislature. It is illegal in any and all configurations.For the M1 garand, or any other semiautomatic rifle not specifically banned by name, the following applies:Bayonet lugFlash suppressorBarrel shroudPronounced pistol gripCollapsible/folding buttstock(Rifle) grenade launcher attachment

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