No he does not smoke. He has done many ad campaigns about the health risks of smoking. He is dead against it.
Dirk Nowitzki's birth name is Dirk Werner Nowitzki.
Dirk Nowitzki
Dirk Nowitzki was born on June 19, 1978.
Dirk Nowitzki was born on June 19, 1978.
Dirk Nowitzki is a professional German basketball player for the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA. This is what Dirk Nowitzki is most famous and known for.
Dirk Nowitzki has 19,045 career points.
Dirk Nowitzki is number 41 on the Dallas Mavericks.
His birth name is Dirk Werner Nowitzki.
Dirk Nowitzki is 39 years old (birthdate: June 19, 1978).
Dirk Nowitzki plays for the Dallas Mavericks.
NBA player Dirk Nowitzki weighs 245 pounds.
Dirk NowitzkiDirk Nowitzki Steve Nash dirk nowitzki Some people might say Dirk Nowitzki, some might say Mark Aguirre, some might say someone else. I would say that Dirk Nowitzki is the greatest Dallas Mavericks player in history. Dont forget about Dees! Dirk Nowitkzi. ANSWER!!! I think it is Steve Nash before he got transferred to the Phoenix Suns. Right now though, I would say the best player would be Dirk Nowitzki. No qs about 41...dirk nowitzki