Most chickens are raised in an intensive environment some call "factory farming", but is really called Confined Animal Feeding Operations.
It is extensive. It can be considered whether extensive or intensive by its input of capital, no. of labour, proximity to the market, etc...
Intensive agriculture: great production to hectare, efficience, use of fertilizers and pesticides, irrigation, mechanization, application of agricultural sciences, etc. Extensive agriculture: low production to hectare, inefficience, primitive work, etc.
There are nine types of agriculture in India. Shifting agriculture, subsistence farming, intensive agriculture, extensive agriculture, commercial agriculture, plantation agriculture, mixed farming, monoculture, and dry farming.
All sorts: organic, intensive, extensive, commercial, cropping, livestock, etc.
is radioactivity extensive or intensive or chemical property
Sulfur is an element that has both extensive and intensive properties.
Intensive/extensive are not adequate terms for the age.