There are some squads that practice and travel all year round for competitions, and put out a lot of hard work and dedicaton! Cheerleading is a very hard sport. Dont agree? go to a junior high or high school squad. thanks!
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Cheer tryouts are what you make them. When I tried out I was a nervous wreck but then I got out onto the floor and I was just fine! Keep these Tips in mind to help you out! 1.SMILE (the most important thing) 2. BE LOUD (project your voice) 3. RECOVER QUICKLY (if you make a mistake make sure you try to keep it not noticeable) 4. HAVE FUN (the judges can tell if you are having fun or freaking out) 5. SPIRIT (if your coach requires a spirit make SURE you do it! it is usually worth 20-50 points) 6. EAT HEALTY (make sure you eat healthy foods and dont drink TOO much water before trying out!) 7. CALM, PRACTICE, PAITENTS (stay calm the whole time, practice very hard because the judges can tell if you tried your hardest, and have paitents you will get the dance or a jump or a cheer/chant that you weren't getting before if you stay calm have paitenets and most importantly PRACTICE) 8. ASK 4 HELP (never be afraid and i know its scary to ask for help from older cheerleaders but do it anyway! It will help i promise!) 9. KEEP THESE AND ANYOTHER TIPS THAT THE COACH GAVE YOU IN MIND (if these are running through your head at tryouts the chance is good that you will do good! so try these!) HOPE FULLY THIS HELPED AND GOOD LUCK TO ANYONE TRYING OUT!!! LOVE ALWAYS MISS. CHEERLEADER
No easier or harder than any other physical activity.
if you find dancing easy, then cheerleading will be about 8 out of 10 :)
~it depends. if u are a good dancer and u know how to dance good it could be pretty easy. but on the other hand it depends on the expectation wherever your going to cheer. for my school they looked at our enthusiasm, motions, and tumbling. so it can be easy it just all depends. (:
um are you kidding me???? its been proven 80% of hostpital injuries have been cheerleading acciendent do you watch the news?!?!?! i cheer for Top Gun allstars cheerleading was recently voted THE HARDEST womens CONTACT sport out there right now. Its even going in the Olympics next year. 1 cheerleader a month dies so next time think about that and do some reserch or watch ESPN before you make judgments. It gymanstic, danceing, and stunted all put together it takes alot of skiill and athletisim. getiing tossed 20+ feet in the air while flipping, pulling hard combo gymnastic passes, chucking people in the air, and screaming at the top of your lungs while doing it all? you try it. watch my team and try saying its not a sprt again.. i dare you
They didn't ask if it was or wasn't a sport, they asked if it was hard. They didn't even say it wasn't. Next time read. And it all depends on what kind of cheerleading you're doing. If it's recreational (school teams, town teams, ect.) then it's not as hard. If you're doing all-star, then yes. You usually automatically make your town team because there aren't any try-outs. So I recommend trying that first. If you like it, and think you can handle it, try all-star. All-star you have to try-out, and it's much harder, but very fun. Hope this helped! (or atleast more than the other comment. (:
As another entry:
Cheerleading is all over difficult, even if if is just a town team. I have to admit that allstar is probably harder. For cheerleading you must yell as loud as you possibly can (which will get you to quickly lose your voice). Also you must remain smiling, while being as stiff as possible, causing you to squeeze all your muscles. Most cheerleaders have to do push-ups for a certain amount of points their team earns. Lifting up weight of a human is also strenuous. Some jumps are difficult to perfect the position of and can really hurt muscles. I hope that people know understand the difficulty of cheering.
Cheerleading is not a hard sport challenge to learn. I am a a girl who does cheerleading and its not hard. When i first started to learn it, i picked it up very easily.
The stunts get harder and harder. We are on level 4 stunts and Acrobatics.
People also think that cheerleading isnt a sport, but it is.
There are thousands of schools across the country that have cheerleading, but very few consider it a sport. 17 of 50 states consider cheerleading a sport
Cheerleading Cheerleading
yes Miley's fav sport is cheerleading i have talk to her myself!!!
The definition of 'sport' is: "A physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively." Cheerleading is a physical activity, cheerleading is governed by a set of rules, and cheerleading is competitive. Therfefore, cheerleading is a sport.
There is very little cheerleading at schools but there is cheerleading at professional sport games
It's a matter of opinion. I love cheerleading and definitely think its the best sport there is!
Miley Cyrus' Fav Sport Is Cheerleading If That Is A Sport Then yes that is what it is!
There is no official date of when cheerleading became a sport. This is because there is still much debate over its status as a sport
Cheerleading is great sport for kids. I used to do cheerleading and I had an amazing time. Most people dont think that cheerleading is a very athletic sport, but there's alot more to cheerleaders than screaming and jumping
it is a sport
cheerleading or gymnastics
A contact sport is by definition, a sport where people are intended to run into eachother, such as football. But, in cheerleading there is a risk of running into people. Cheerleading also do a alot of physcial contact during stunting.