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For me I say Lionel Messi is better than christiano ronaldo in my opion

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Q: Is bovver in green street 3?
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When was Bear Bovver created?

Bear Bovver was created in 1983.

When did Bear Bovver happen?

Bear Bovver happened in 1983.

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Hover Bovver happened in 1984.

When was Hover Bovver created?

Hover Bovver was created in 1984.

Are they going to make a green street 3 film?

yes there is going to be a green street 3 coming out near the end of this year or the beginning of 2010 and it is called green street 3 the return of the major

Is there going to be green street hooligans 3?

yes there will be a Green Street Hooligan 3 . . . it is called "The Return Of The Major" are you sure ??

Is the major in green street 2?

No because Green Street 2 is based in the prison :) x the major is said to return in green street 3

When is green street 3 out?


Is green street 3 out?


When will green street 3 be released?

Unfortunately there will not be a Green Street 3. A sequel was planned, but due to poor reviews and sales of Green Street 2, it was scrapped. For further information please email me at

Is there a green street 3 return of the major coming out?

There isn't going to be a green street 3 return of the major. the videos on youtube are fake :\

What's a good bovver boot?

A good Bovver boot is one that comes with a sturdy design and steel-toed at the front.