Basketball is entertainment, also it's a sport so you can exercise and have fun at the same time.
it is a sport that is really fun
Opinion 1) Koufball is a sport between basketball and netball and is fun!Opinion 2) Koufball is a sport between basketball and netball and it is really fun!Opinion 3)Koufball is a sport between basketball and netball and is real fun! ( I play Koufball)HINT: If you don't play Koufball why don't you give it a try? ITS REALLY FUN!!!!! You never know, you could be a PRO! If you do give it a try, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
Because it's only a sport and should be fun.
Well most people think that it is a fun sport to play so I might as well agree with them. Yup, it's an excellent and popular sport.
Hockey doesn't have players flopping for calls. Basketball does however have a player named Meta World Peace.
Simply to have fun and keep me entertained, but others have different reasons to enjoy the sport such as keeping fit.
golf, tennis, baseball, soccer, football and basketball
People want to have fun so they play basketball? People play basketball because is a team sport,so playin withother people makes it more fun.There are also people that just love the game,they feel alive when they are playin. People play because they think its fun and rewarding. They also play cause they can meet new people when they go to camps and basketball games.
Basketball is a better sport
Basketball is the bigest sport in the world.
Basketball is the best sport ever
Bow wow's favorite sport is basketball