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there are 30 teams in the NBA in which 29 of those teams are located within the 50 states of USA, while one NBA team (Toronto Raptors) is located in Toronto Canada making it the only NBA team not in the country of USA.

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Q: Is basketball Canadian or American
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What do you letters NBA means?

If you are referring to the American/Canadian basketball league then it stands for National Basketball Association.

Did china invent basketball?

No it was James Naismith who is Canadian and American.(He was born in Almonte,Ontario,Canada and he teached college basketball in in Springfield.)

What sports were invented by an American?

Basketball - James Naismith (Canadian)Volleyball - William G. Morgan (United States American)

When did basketball start in canada?

It was actually invented Springfield, Massachusetts.

Is basketball canadienne?

No obviousley basketball is not canadian!

Is basketball a Canadian sport?

While basketball is not as popular in Canada as in the US it could be considered to be Canadian, because James Naismith, the inventor of the game, was a born Canadian.

What is some info about James Naismith?

James Naismith, the creator of basketball, was born in 1861. He was Canadian American. He also created the Kansas University Basketball program in later years. He died in 1939.

Invented the american game of basketball?

James Naismith was the Canadian physical education instructor who invented basketball in 1891 when he was theat Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts (1890 to 1895)

What are facts about Canada that Americans probably didn't know?

* Canadian Thanksgiving was celebrated before American Thanksgiving. * A Canadian invented basketball. * Canadians were the first people who invented hockey, soccer, and airplanes.

Is NBA basketball only American?

No. Basketball was invented in Canada and the Canadian game comes from an earlier version of the game called Net Ball which is a womens game played still in England.

What country was Basketball decovered?

Basketball was invented in USA by a Canadian (James Naismith).

Popular sports of 1994 in America?

ice hockey, Canadian ice hockey, Canadian football, basketball, soccer, and baseball. football, basketball, soccer, and baseball.