No, the 120 is what makes in only USSSA ISA NSA approved. You can almost always find the same model bat you are looking for. In this case the new Jeff Hall Worth Mayhem Reload, in the the 98 form. ASA only accepts 98's or lower.
Worth is a popular brand which sells bats, gloves and other softball equipment. Worth bats are available for purchase at many retailers. Online they are available at CheapBats, and the Bats Unlimited websites.
I prefer dudely or worth. :)
It really depends on how much a softball is worth. It depends on what condition it is in and if it has anything special about it. Usually softballs at stores are 2 to 3 dollars.
i like using worth balls like the red dot i like using worth balls like the red dot
Probz around $300
The 2010 Worth Toxic is one of the best bats on the market right now.Here's a link to the fastpitch Worth Toxic:
The biggest I have seen is the WORTH Mayhem "BFG" glove. It weighs in at 1.25 feet (15" for those of us who might need a calculator to work that out). Its a Big Freakin Glove and feels much larger than my Rawlings RSGXLDTB 14". It is the only softball glove I have seen listing its size on the actual glove in feet vs inches. Nice touch. Pretty inexpensive too. Good luck, Steve Fleming
The Hot Dot or the Classic Plus has a .52 cor and 275 compression rating.
$250 Current "Bluebook" approved.
Demarini, but I played travel for nine years and my favorite was Anderson Firetech.
Well, everyone has their own opinion, but I love softball! It is a lot of fun, and teaches you teamwork. It's a very good way to relieve stress, because you ALWAYS have to be focused in the game. So, you take your mind off of your stress related thoughts. Try softball out! It's a lot of fun, even if you are good at it or not. :)