it depends, if u are just starting paintball and dont want to spend 1000's of dollars then this is a decent gun. it can be upgradable later on if desired. this is a entry style speedball gun.
The VL caseless cartridge has not been made in several years, and is a collector's item. Once in a while they are found at gun shows, or on-line firearm auction sites.
VL is not a valid Roman numeral.
VL class was created in 2006.
It all depends on what you want and are willing the spend. Cheap Syders run $50, and the Luxes (amazing paintball gun) is $1500, you get what you pay for id hardly call the luxe amazing, its just a talking shocker so no, you dont always get what you pay for
I heard from my friends that this is the company where u vl get good growth and satisfaction
VL stands for virgin lips as u should already no,the way to break your VL is to properly kiss someone with tongue's.
Vl Ratko has written: 'Drug velosipedista'
Vl Kurochkin has written: 'Moi tovarishchi'
Vl Alov has written: 'Metel' lepestkov'
Vl Grechishnikov has written: 'Tvorchestvo Panferova'
VL Mike was born on 1976-01-19.
Holden VL Commodore was created in 1986.