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A legal slide tackle may come from any direction, although one from behind is harder to execute cleanly. Making contact with the ball before the opponent is a requirement for any legal tackle, but there are others.

Does the player raise a leg or hook with their laces to trip the opponent after ball contact? This would be a foul.

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14y ago

A properly performed slide tackle is allowed under the FIFA Laws of the Game.

Some recreational and coed leagues have modified the laws to disallow slide tackling.

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Is it legal to slide tackle in indoor soccer?

i think it is but u should ask a soccer coach

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'slide' Is part of the tackle 'Slide tackle' Which is when you side along the ground to try and fairly get a ball from a player of the opposite team.

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The main thing to remember is that just because they are bigger than you doesn't mean that you can't slide them. As long as you get the ball, tackle them as hard as you can and make them feel it!

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it's called a tackle ITs called a SLIDE tackle

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A slide tackle can be executed from behind without a free kick awarded or card shown, if it is performed correctly. It is a false assumption that being from behind makes it illegal.

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It is legal in the NFL so it is probably legal in college football.

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yes a hit is a hit

Is it legal to slide into home plate?

Yes, you can slide into any base.

In football must the tackle be covered for the formation to be legal?

No as long as there are 7 men on the line. so the uncovered tackle could catch a pass