This play is referred to as "redeye". If a batter misses (or does not swing) at the 3rd strike, and the catcher drops it, the runner must run to first before the catcher throws the dropped pitch to first. If the runner is beaten by the throw, it is simply a strikeout in the books. If the runner beats out the throw, it still goes as a strikeout, but his advance to first will be listed as an error by either the pitcher or the catcher (depending on how bad the pitch was, and the reason it was not caught). In Little League (60 foot basepaths) batter is out on strike three no matter what the catcher does.
In softball yes.. if first base is not occupied.... but it depends on Baseball and softball and what leval you play at
Yes you can pinch hit for a batter once he is pitched to, but of course the new batter starts his at bat with the count of the batter previous.
Dave Magadan
A called strike cannot hit the ground and then go thru the strike zone. Baseball rule section 2.00 Definitions of Terms: A ball is a pitch which does not enter the strike zone in flight and is not struck at by the batter. If the pitch touches the ground and bounces through the strike zone it is a "ball". If such a pitch touches the batter, he shall be awarded first base. If the batter swings at such a pitch after two strikes, the ball cannot be caught, for the purposes of rule 6.05 (c) and 6.09 (b). If the batter hits such a pitch, the ensuing action shall be the same as if he hit the ball in flight.
Ball's dead and runners can't advance.
If you mean that there are already two outs, then, no, the run does not count. Any time the batter is put out before reaching 1st base, it is considered a force out. Therefore, no run counts on a play where the batter makes the 3rd out before reaching 1st base.
When you hit the ball into fair territory or when a 3rd strike is dropped by the catcher. There's no other time a batter needs to run to first.
It is a strike.
There are several ways to reach first base, but the 5 ways to be awarded first base, without putting the ball into play: 1. Hit-by-pitch 2. Base on Balls 3. Intentional Walk 4. Dropped 3rd strike 5. Catcher interference (hitting catchers glove while swinging)
If the batter was swinging it is a strike...if the batter was not swinging, then they are deemed to have been "hit by pitch" and are awarded first base.
No, this isn't possible. If the first batter gets a hit, the game can't be a no-hitter.