Not particularly, no. Little to no collector interest.
Minor variation change, nothing major. The gun was manufactured from c.1936-1945.
About 100 bucks if all the parts or there. I'm trying to find one for parts I'm restoring my Grandfathers 410.
Stevens model 82 by the J Stevens arms co. made between 1935-1939.
the stevens model 15 was made from 1936-1945,while the stevens model 52 was made from 1933-1937.
need information on stevens-springfield model 37 410 shotgun
Stevens/ J. Stevens arms company
The Stevens model 15 favorite was made from 1915-1940.
The Stevens Model 39A was produced between 1939 - 1947.
j stevens arms company modle 94b what year made
Look up J. Stevens model 56
The Riverside model number will be identical to the Stevens number.