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No A hexagon has 6 sides and a pentagon has 5 sides.

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12y ago

an octogan has 8 sides

an pentogon has 5 sides

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Q: Is a hexagon and pentagon the same?
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Which has more a hexagon or a pentagon?

a hexagon because count a pentagon it has five and a hexagon has 7

Which have more sides hexagon or pentagon?

A hexagon has 6 sides and a pentagon has 5 sides

How is a hexagon and a pentagon different?

A hexagon has six sides, a pentagon five.

Do a hexagon or a pentagon?

A hexagon will have 6 sides whereas a pentagon will have 5 sides

What is the difference between a hexagon and a pentagon?

Hexagon has 6 sides pentagon has 5.

Which has many sides a hexagon or a pentagon?

A hexagon has more sides than a pentagon.

How is pentagon and hexagon different?

pentagon 5 sides hexagon 6 sides

What is the difference between a pentagon and a hexagon?

Hexagon has 6 sides pentagon has 5.

Does a hexagon have more sides or a pentagon?

A hexagon has 6 sides, a pentagon has 5.

How can you draw a hexagon in a pentagon?

You cannot draw a hexagon into a pentagon since their sides are completely different! A hexagon has 6 sides while a pentagon has 5.

Which has more side hexagon or a pentagon?

The hexagon has more sides than a pentagon because the hexagon has sides while the pentagon has 5 sides. Hope that helped everyone stay safe bye!

How many sides do a hexagon and a pentagon have?

A hexagon has six sides, and a pentagon has five sides