no... a front spot/frontbase is not a back up flyer... the only reason they would be there is because they would not hav a sunt group to be in... there main job is to help he two regular bases with there job
There are at least three different roles in cheer leading including coaching. Another role in cheer leading is being the head cheerleader who calls out the cheer.
the main steps in cheer leading is know how to do cheer leading know how to front spot back spot be a flyer or to base. And you should be good at doing dance in front of a lot of people and judges if they are a competition team.
the size of the flyer really all depends on the size of the base or bases, genuinely the flyer should be shorter but if she is very light that makes an difference, also if the flyer can hold his/her weight very well and stay tight that makes a HUGE difference to but usually the flyer is smaller than her supportung stunt group.
an elevator stunt is a cheer stunt where you have 2 bases 1 flyer 1 back spot and an optional front spot, The bases have the flyer in a sponge at first and then one base moves to a prep and then the other base moves a little higher than a prep and then you repeat the procedure until you are at an extension
There is no specific height requirement. Depending on your height (and sometimes your skills) you can be a back spot, base, flyer, or front spotter.
Um.. I am not quite sure what you are asking in this question so I will just guess. Well it depends on what kind of stunt are you talking about usually the normal stunt contains 5 members (Flyer, main base, secondary base, front spot and back spot.) (Back spot --->) __ (Main base--->) | ♥ | (<--- Secondary base) (Front spot --->) __ ♥= Flyer. (The lines are spose to represent people or there spots lol.)
In a cheerleading stunt all positions are important. A flyer is important obviously, because they are the presenter, they are the focus of the crowd, and that job requires a lot of muscle in the arms. A backspot is also very important because they lift and support the ankles, and give the flyer the initial push to get her up, also if anything goes wrong they must catch the flyer. The bases are also important, because they create a safe place for the flyer to stand, and support her legs if you cradle (to finish off the stunt).
It doesn't matter how much you weigh. It depends on if you have good balance and if you have strong enough bases. I know because I am a cheerleader and I have been a back spot base front spot and a flyer for cheerleading. You just need teamwork and strong cheerleaders!:)
A Radio Flyer rocking horse is a rocking horse manufactured by the Radio Flyer company. It appears to be a normal rocking horse on a red base with "Radio Flyer" painted on the side.
Absolutely. Anything can be done with three people if those three people are dedicated into having a cheer team. There can be 2 bases and 1 flyer, especially if your stunts are basic. Although this IS difficult, if you practice hard enough you can do it! Although i do suggest more girls.. GOOD LUCK! :) i have some suggestions on what you could do... a double thigh stand- the two bases face the front with their legs apart the leg facing the middle is bent so that their thigh is straight the bases grab the flyer's arms and lift her onto their thigh this is why it should be straight a partner stunt hitch-one base hold onto one of the flyer's feet while the other person stands nearby the base lifts the flyer (i would recommend to about belly button height) and the flyer's other leg goes into hitch and the other person catches her foot a kick splits- if some one in your group can do the splits this is ideal two bases face the front and hold the flyer's arm one hand in their hand the other under her armpit then you push up and your flyer kicks her legs and when you bring her down she relaxes into splits this is really cool and effective my team did this in our routine hope i helped :)
because im a cheerleader, i know a load of cheerleading pyramids that's my sqaud does. ( theres:stradle split( 2 bases,frontspot,backspot,flyer)shoulder sit(1 base, flyer, backspot)prep (2 bases, flyer, backspot)knee prep (1 base, 1 flyer, 1 backspot)so there you have it 4 cool pyramids for you to try!
Although, there are many positions in cheerleading, many are focused around a stunt. Within each stunt there are 4 positions. First, a flyer. The flyer is the individual who gets thrown up or pushed up in the air. A flyers job is to be very tight, and selfcontroling while at the same time flexible, aware of her surroundings and focused. Supporting the flyer there is a maximum of 4 people - two bases, a backspot and a front spot. The bases are the ones who are the most responsible for getting a flyer into the air aswell as her safety coming back down to the ground. Bases usually hold the flyers feet in a specific way, depending on the stunt. A bases must have upper body strength aswell as leg strength. It is very important the base's legs give most of the power in lifting the flyer. This prevents pulling back muscles. A bases aswell as the entire stunt group must keep their eyes on the flyer at all times. The backspot is responsible in assisting a flyer into a stunt aswell as security once the flyer is in the air. The flyer is usually loaded in by the backspot grabbing the flyers waist of butt depending on the stunt. When coming out of a stunt the backspot job is to support the flyers back. The front spot is the last part of a stunt. The front is usually present for ankle support for the flyer or wrist support for the bases. The front is also there for security incase of a fall When dismounting a stunt the front is responsible for the flyer's legs. There are other various positions in cheerleading such as tumblers who tumble throughout the rountine. The entire team usually participates in dancing.