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An acre is 43,560 square feet. An American football field is 46,440 square feet.

You do the math.

A Canadian football field is 93, 600 square feet.

You do the math.

You can have other kinds of football, Italian, European, Australian rules.

Of course European rules football does not have a standard size field. Only the size of the goal posts are standard.

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15y ago
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15y ago

No its not A football field is about an acre if you don't count the end zones and about 9 yards (shown in the picture in the link provided... the red area is what an acre would cover)

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16y ago

one hundred yards.......... raiders

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7y ago

Football - 1.32 acres

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1 football field is 100 yards and that equals 300 feet so 115 feet is a little more than a third of a football field

Is a football field a kilometer?

No. A kilometer is 1000 meters. An American football field is 100 yards which is less than 100m.

Is a kilometer bigger than a football field?


Is one meter is longer than a football field a yard a cup or an automobile?

1m is shorter than a football field, a yard and probably shorter than an auto mobile. It is definitely shorter than a cup.

What is the difference between an acre and football field?

An acre is slightly smaller than a football field. A football field, including the end zones, is about 1.32 acres. An acre is 4,480 square yards while a football field, including end zones is 6,408 square yards.