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found a draft of a will need to know if it a legal documont

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Q: Is a draft will legal
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Was the draft used during Vietnam War legal?

No because it was an undeclared war.

Which president hired someone to serve in his place in the draft?

President Grover Cleveland had been a draft dodger and he hired someone to serve in his place - it was legal to do so back then.

What is a legal proper notice for 60 day eviction?

You'll have to get an attorney to draft the proper format for this.

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Eighteen is the legal age for a man to be eligible for the draft in the USA.

What are the key considerations when creating a trans draft for a legal document?

When creating a trans draft for a legal document, key considerations include ensuring accuracy, clarity, consistency, and adherence to legal terminology and formatting. It is important to use gender-neutral language and to consult with relevant stakeholders to ensure inclusivity and sensitivity towards transgender individuals.

How was the north able to replenish it's military In the face of staggering losses on the battlefield?

Conscription Act, or the draft. This was what the Emancipation Proclamation was based on. In order for the draft to be legal, all men had to be equal.

What type of law company is required to draft a contractor contract?

Information about what is needed to draft a contractor contract can be found on Legal Zoom. Other websites that include this information include IRS and WiseGeek.

What has the author Ulrich Daum written?

Ulrich Daum has written: 'Grundsatzurteile zur Kriegsdienstverweigerung' -- subject(s): Conscientious objectors, Draft, Draft resisters, Law and legislation, Legal status, laws

Why cant you burn a military draft card?

Qualify the question a bit and I will be happy to answer. Do you mean why is it illegal to burn a draft card or why is it (or is it) socially unacceptable/morally wrong to burn a draft card? The fact is that you can burn a draft card but it is illegal. For a legal discussion see US v. O'Brien. I think there is a good wiki entry on it.

How do you transfer a deed of a deceased parent in OH to surviving child?

Their estate must be probated in order for legal title to pass to their heir. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate. The attorney can explain your options and draft a deed if necessary.Their estate must be probated in order for legal title to pass to their heir. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate. The attorney can explain your options and draft a deed if necessary.Their estate must be probated in order for legal title to pass to their heir. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate. The attorney can explain your options and draft a deed if necessary.Their estate must be probated in order for legal title to pass to their heir. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate. The attorney can explain your options and draft a deed if necessary.

How do I transfer ownership of my condominium unit to my son?

You should contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law in your jurisdiction. The attorney can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction and also explain the legal consequences of the transfer of title.You should contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law in your jurisdiction. The attorney can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction and also explain the legal consequences of the transfer of title.You should contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law in your jurisdiction. The attorney can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction and also explain the legal consequences of the transfer of title.You should contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law in your jurisdiction. The attorney can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction and also explain the legal consequences of the transfer of title.

How do I use a quit claim deed to change name and add spouse to deed after marriage?

You make an appointment with an attorney who can draft the new deed and explain any legal consequences. The attorney will draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction and arrange to create the appropriate tenancy in the deed.Errors made in deeds drafted by non-professionals can be costly to correct if they can be corrected. If you have a mortgage the deed may trigger a demand that the mortgage be paid immediately. Seek legal advice.You make an appointment with an attorney who can draft the new deed and explain any legal consequences. The attorney will draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction and arrange to create the appropriate tenancy in the deed.Errors made in deeds drafted by non-professionals can be costly to correct if they can be corrected. If you have a mortgage the deed may trigger a demand that the mortgage be paid immediately. Seek legal advice.You make an appointment with an attorney who can draft the new deed and explain any legal consequences. The attorney will draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction and arrange to create the appropriate tenancy in the deed.Errors made in deeds drafted by non-professionals can be costly to correct if they can be corrected. If you have a mortgage the deed may trigger a demand that the mortgage be paid immediately. Seek legal advice.You make an appointment with an attorney who can draft the new deed and explain any legal consequences. The attorney will draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction and arrange to create the appropriate tenancy in the deed.Errors made in deeds drafted by non-professionals can be costly to correct if they can be corrected. If you have a mortgage the deed may trigger a demand that the mortgage be paid immediately. Seek legal advice.