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Yes, they are dirty, filthy creatures.

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Q: Is a bunny messy
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Double consonant words ending in y?

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Can you give a rabbite a bath?

You can only bathe rabbits when absolutely necessary, and when you've taken all the necessary precautions to keep the bunny safe. Baths can be dangerous for rabbits! Healthy rabbits clean themselves, so if your bunny is messy, something is wrong -- either you need to do better "bunny-proofing" to keep your rabbit out of messy areas, or your rabbit is sick and needs veterinary care. Before trying a full-on bath, try a "dry bath" with baby cornstarch powder (no talc!), or a wet "spot bath." See the related questions below for details and links.

What does the bad guy on Frosty the Snowman say over and over?

messy, messy, messy

Clean room or messy room?


How do you get the messy hair effect?

A messy hair gel.

What is a phrase for the word messy?

You're a messy pig.

What part of speech is messy?

The word "messy" is an adjective.

Is the Easter bunny a snake?

The Easter Bunny is a Bunny (:

Is a chicken coop messy?

It's not really messy after you clean it out. But in middle of the week, it'll get messy and you have to clean it again.

What was messy about an unkempt person?

=messy,slob,clumsy.dirty,out of order.=

What is the answer to the opposite of neat?

Well, an antonym of neat is messy.

Why do people keep their houses messy all the time?

Well, ultimately, it comes down to this: Neat + one out of place item = messy. Messy + one out of place item = still messy. "Messy" is a lot easier status to maintain than "neat."