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Q: Is a Homeowner liable for a freestanding basketball hoop in front of there house on the street in Long Island N.Y.?
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Is a homeowner liable for death on property?

If the death is a result of circumstance he had control over then he may be found liable.

Is homeowner's insurance liable if your car is at their house and is destroyed by a fire at their house?


Is homeowner liable when guest falls down stairs?

A homeowner is liable only because it is his property whether there were a hazard or not. Fear not, your homeowners Med pay and liability coverage will protect you and it will not count against you unless there was a hazard that you had the responsibility to remove or repair.

Is the homeowner liable for an injury to a guest if the guest is injured on the homeowners property but by an object that is not the homeowner's?

No, You are not automatically liable for an injury that occurs on your property simply because you own the property. It does not matter if you owned an object or not on which they person was injured. In order to be held liable you would have to have caused the injury either through direct action or in-action that led to the injury.

If a licensed bonded serviceman uses an unlicensed helper is the homeowner liable for the helper's injury?

No. The employer is responsible.

Who is liable for paying the home owners insurance deductible?

the insured or homeowner, unless there are some ''special'' circumstances you haven't explained

Can a homeowner be liable for injuries due to mold or algae on porch setting?

yes due to the way the house was tooken care of .

are you liable if you have a fire in your home and you do not have rental insurance. Fire is undetermine by fire department?

Accidental fire is usually covered under a homeowner's policy, however if you were requested to get rental insurance and did not, you can be held legally liable.

How do you file a claim against someone elses homeowners insurance?

Generally you don't. Homeowners insurance is property hazard insurance that is specific to the "named insured" homeowner(s) from certain losses incidental to home ownership. If the homeowner agrees that he or she is liable for your loss, the homeowner can just file a loss notice with his or her insurer. The insurer would then contact you (generally within 72 business hours) to process your claim. Contrary to popular belief, A property owner is not automatically liable for anything that happens on ones property. The injured party will need to prove that the homeowner actually caused the accident (simply being the owner does not make them liable) through direct action or through in-action (negligence). If the homeowner disagrees that they are liable for your loss, then that is a matter you may choose to take up with an attorney in a competent court. If the homeowner purchased liability insurance with his or her policy ( many do not ) , that portion of his policy would provide coverage for the cost of the insureds legal defense team as well as any resulting judgments of legal liability.

Can a person sue a homeowner after suing the home insurance company for the same accident?

Yes, it is possible for a person to sue a homeowner after suing the home insurance company for the same accident. The homeowner's insurance policy may not cover all damages or there may be additional claims the person wishes to pursue against the homeowner that are not covered by the insurance policy. However, it's important to consult with a legal professional to discuss the specifics of the situation.

If a homeowner hires a tree trimmer to cut some trees for him then the tree trimmer gets injured is the homeowner liable?

Some policys will exclude 'hired hands', certainly turn in the claim if there has been an accident. If not contact your agent, and ask them to get an opinion from the claims dept.

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If you really want to play poison your friends drink i am not liable for any deaths