Currently Terrell Owens and Dia Leone are no longer dating. They dated for a brief period when he played for the San Francisco 49ers.
Terrell Owens is no longer dating Claudia Cervenka who is known as actress, model and singer Dia Leone. They dated for a brief period of time when he played for the San Francisco 49ers.
No, he is still playing so he can not be.
2.5 billion. In any condition.
Well if TO meaning Terrell Owens then yes he is he is on the Chicago Bears As a starter Wide Receiver! If he still isn't then you must not have updated your roster!
15 if your referring to the regular season. Although Randy Moss had 22, I still think T.O is the best in the league right now.
There is a good chance they will but don't count on it. Two big mouthed receivers (Chad Ochocinco) on the same team especially the same position could cause a wild controversy between the two and perhaps the whole team. The Bengals should also consider his age and his ability to still create plays. Chances of the Bengals getting Terrell Owens: 51%
Yes, he does.
No, he was kicked out.
No, she's still looking
no he is not syill alive
He is still dating her