Marv Levy's birth name is Marvin Daniel Levy.
Marv Levy was born on August 3, 1925.
Marv Levy was born on August 3, 1925.
Marv Levy is 86 years old (birthdate: August 3, 1925).
Dan Reeves, Marv Levy, Bud Grant and Don Shul
Marv Levy who coached the Bills between 1986-1997. In those 12 seasons the Bills finished first in the AFC East 7 times, played in 5 AFC Championship games, and played in 4 Super Bowls.
No, Steve Levy is not single.
Steve Levy is a/an Sportscaster
Steve Levy was born on March 12, 1965
Marv Levy, Bud Grant, Tom Landry and Dan Reeves have lost four Super Bowls.
Steve Levy was born on March 12, 1965.
Steve Levy was born on March 12, 1965