The phone number of the Taylors Branch is: 864-268-5955.
The phone number of the Taylors Falls Public Library is: 651-465-6905.
Sean Casey retired Feb 12, 2009
Yes. The name Stan has been retired and replaced with Sean.
Sean Avery is the retired hockey player that writes poems. Sean Avery used to be part of the hockey team called Detroit Red Wings.
Sean Johnson is a professional US soccer player (US national team 2009 on).The female Olympic gymnast is Shawn Johnson, who retired on June 3, 2012.
He's retired and won't return.
The address of the Taylors Branch is: 316 West Main Street, Taylors, 29687 2210
the number "99" is retired in the NHL. the number "99" is retired in the NHL.
Sean Avery's number is #16.
Retired American boxer, Sean Thornton.