Augest 18 1934
Roberto Clemente married Vera Zabala on November 14, 1964.
Vera Cristina Zabala (m. 14-Nov-1964)
Roberto Carlos is still alive. He born on 10th April 1973 and is still in good health and still plays football.
who was Jackie Robeson friends
Roberto Clemente was the youngest of seven children born to Melchor Clemente and Luisa Walker.
He is alive and still a member of the New York Yankees as of July 10, 2011.
no, he is alive
Roberto Clemente was a professional baseball player who was born on August 18, 1934 in Puerto Rico. He played for the Pittsburgh Prates for 18 seasons. He was killed in a plane crash off of the coast of San Juan, Puerto Rico on December 31, 1972 at the age of 38.
still alive still alive still alive
YES! well and alive