Mike Singletary was born on October 9, 1958.
Mike Singletary was born on October 9, 1958.
Mike Singletary is 52 years old (birthdate: October 9, 1958).
Mike Singletary signed a 4 year contract to make $10 million with the San Francisco 49ers. Mike Singletary is a former pro football player.
how much money mack singletary made
Mike Singletary was born Oct 9, 1958. As of right now (June, 2009) he is 50 years old.
Bill Walsh, Mike Singletary, and Mike Nolan.
Bill Walsh, Mike Singletary, and Mike Nolan.
hearing impaired means a special program to help with people with hearing problems============================Answer #2:"Hearing impaired" does not mean the program. It's the preferred description of the condition."Impaired" means weak, diminished, damaged, deficient, functioning poorly or inadequately."Hearing impaired" is the phrase that describes a person with hearing problems.The programs designed to help people who have hearing problems are called"programs for the hearing impaired".
It is important to use clear speech when communicating with someone who is hearing impaired.
He attended Baylor.