Lou can be a dog or a human name.although Lou for a human is short Louis.
Lou is the dog's name
Luiz Gaez
Lionel Messi's cats name is Mr. Twinkles. His dogs name is Lou. Lou is a beagle puppy. He also had dogs and cats named Lionel, after him.
Ailee can be used as a dog name, but it is more commonly known as a name for a female human.
Half human-half dog is called a youkai. half human-half fox is called kitsune
no,duke is a human name
Bowlegged Lou's birth name is Lou George.
Ye Lou's birth name is Lou Ye.
Lou Ruggiero's birth name is Lou Ruggiero.
Lou Palmer's birth name is Lou Puma.
red can be the name of a dog or human my dogs name is red