No, LeGarrette Blount is not related to Mel Blount. LeGarrette is a grand-nephew of jazz composer Herman Blount, aka Sun Ra.
LeGarrette Blount plays for the Pittsburg Steelers.
LeGarrette Blount was born on 1986-12-05.
NFL player LeGarrette Blount is 6'-01''.
NFL player LeGarrette Blount played for Oregon.
NFL player LeGarrette Blount weighs 250 pounds.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season LeGarrette Blount is 27 years old.
No he punched a boise state player and they he would not get drafted.
Mel Blount is 6' 3".
Mel Blount's birth name is Melvin Cornell Blount.
Mel Blount was born on April 10, 1948, in Vidalia, Georgia, USA.
No, it is an urban legend.
Mel Blount