

Is LeBron fat and slow

Updated: 10/20/2022
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15y ago

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He is neither fat or slow.

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15y ago
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Q: Is LeBron fat and slow
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What is Lebron James body fat percentage?

Around 5-6 % body fatt

What is a saturated fat?

To make you fat. Also it makes you run really slow.

What effect does fat have on football players?

Fat effects players because if they are fat, they run very slow which is bad for the team.

Why are woodlice small and slow?

because they are fat and the are annoying >:(

Why are you fat from not eating?

slow metabolism and you need to do exercise.

How do you find out if a horse is pregnant?

when they get fat and slow, or when the vet says so

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cos dere fat .

Why does an alligator walk slow?

because a alligator is so very fat

What health problems come from eating saturated fat?

You get fat and slow. Too much. Will make you fat! i dont know why you think im wierd god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!