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Q: Is Easton BZN11 IMX bat legal for use in little league?
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The Omen should not be illegal, even if the people working with Little League decide to ban the Omen Easton would still have a legal composite bat: The S1. The easton company also sponsors Little League. So I think the Easton Omen should be legal.

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no one is going to complain in little league

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yes in majors and minors

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Are carbon fiber baseball bats legal in little league?

No, composite bats, including those that use carbon fiber, have been banned for use in Little League.

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Yes, of it says bbcor certified .5 then yes.

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No, it's legal to go back head first.

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Yes, but why use it, it isn't better than aluminum

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The barrel of the bat may be no bigger than 2 1/4 diameter usually. It most likely will say "Little league approved" on the barrel

Referee at little league basketball game is the uncle of player on team is this legal?

no because he might cheat for the person the ref is related on

Is it illegal to jump over a player to avoid a tag in Virginia?

It depends. In the major leagues it is legal, but depending on which level of baseball your talking about (Little League, College, High School) it may not be legal.