i dont know about ever but he is a very overrated player. People dont realize that goalies in the nhl are mostly a product of their teams. if your on a good team then you have good stats and thus people call you great. if you watch brodeur he is a good goalie but not great, and to be honest recently he has been bad. in last years playoffs, a loss to the rangers, he put up maybe the worst performance by a goalie i have ever seen (respect to lalime). This year he was not as bad in the playoffs, but definitly played like a below average to bad starting nhl goalie.
Jeremy Lin
Pele, that Brazilian player. (was he Brazilian or portuguese?)
Miley Cyrus
I would have to say captain olimar.
In my opinion the most underrated player was Trevor Hoffman. Im a Yankee fan and I love Mariano and yes he is in my opinion the best closer ever. But Trevor Hoffman holds the record for most saves ever and many people do not realize that. The most overrated player in my opinion has to be Manny Ramirez. Ill admit that he was good with the Indians and even the Red Sox but he wasnt the brightest player ever. To me it seemed like he wanted attention from the media more than he wanted to play baseball.
Ohio State is always overrated. The most overrated program in NCAA football history. Media darling for some reason. The "O" is for overrated.
Martin Brodeur
Dubstep is the most overrated genre of music
Martin Brodeur - 551.
4 martin brodeur
Peyton Manning. He's the only quarter-back that doesn't play with a huddle, he calls the plays at the line right after he reads the defense.