Alexei Kovalev was born on February 24, 1973.
Alexei Kovalev was born on February 24, 1973.
Alexei Kovalev is 44 years old (birthdate: February 24, 1973).
It depends what team you have. For example, I have the Montreal Canadiens and I traded Carey Price & Alexei Kovalev for Malkin.
Alexei (Alex) Kovalev (Montreal Canadiens,) currently holds the longest NHL shift, at over 8 minutes in length. He was given this shift not as a reward, but for punishment for taking too long of shifts during the game. Kovalev netted a goal towards the end of this shift.
Viktor Kovalev was born in 1980.
Sergei Kovalev was born in 1930.
Alex Kovalev is 6' 1".
Nikolay Kovalev - fencer - was born in 1986.
Gennady Kovalev was born on 1983-05-17.
Ivan Kovalev goes by Van Olen.
Vladimir Kovalev was born on 1953-02-02.