Ajax's real name in the 1979 movie "The Warriors" is James Remar.
clarence seedorf - Ajax, Real Madrid, AC Milan
clarance seedorf has won the champions league with ajax, real Madrid and AC milan
There were two Ajax. Ajax Oileades and Ajax the greater.
Clarence Seedorf ( Ajax, Real Madrid and A.C.Milan )
Manchester United Real Madrid Barcelona Ajax
real madrid, red star belgrade, steua bucharest, benfica, ajax. only 5 as far as i know.
you mean JavaApplet or Ajax? I do not think you can compare java as a whole and AJAX. Ajax is a simple implementation of JAvascript .
Unfortunately I am not specialst in AjaX, but I can advice you these online tutorials:php tutorials. There are many articles about php, AjaX and interaction between AjaX and PHP in whole.
Ajax is the new name for Aspen.
Clarence Seedorf, who won it with Ajax, Real Madrid and Milan.
Ajax Maharlika is 5' 9".