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Q: In what hemisphere can you find the Rock of Gibralter?
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Is the rock of Gibralter in the Northern or Southern hemisphere?

Northern Hemisphere

Which hemipshere is the rock of gibralter located?

The Northern Hemisphere.

In what hemisphere can you find the rock of gibralter the norther or southern?

The Rock of Gibraltar is located in the northern hemisphere. It is a British Overseas Territory situated at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula.

The rock of gibralter is in which hemishpere?

Gibraltar is in Europe so its the Northern Hemisphere.

In which two hemispheres will you find the Rock of Gibralter?

The rock of Gibralter is located in the Northern and Western hemispheres!!

Where is the rock of gibralter?

The Rock of Gibralter is located on the tip of Spain, which is in Europe.

Is the rock of Gibralter a rock?


What huge natural landmark marks the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea?

Rock of Gibraltar

Who controls the Rock of Gibralter?

Gibralter is under the Jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at present.

In what hemisphere is the rock of gibralter n?

The Rock of Gibraltar is physically attached to Spain although it is a British overseas territory. It is north of the Equator and east of the Prime Meridian - so both in the eastern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere.

The rock of gibralter is on what peninsula?

The Iberian Peninsula

What type of rock is Gibralter made from?

It is made from limestone