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mostley the stuff hockey players wear today except less protective. They also used wooden sticks [of course] and they didn't wear helmets or mouthgards.

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Q: In the NHL during 1917 what equipment did they wear?
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Who won the 1917 NHL championship?

The 1917 NHL championship was won by the Toronto Arenas.

Start of the NHL?


When did the NHL form?

Then NHL was formed in 1917. This answer is from ChaCha answers.

When did the NHL start?

The NHL was founded on November 26, 1917, and the first games were played on December 19, 1917.

By who was the NHL started by?

Nov. 26, 1917: The NHL was founded. Teams included the Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa Senators, Toronto Arenas, and Quebec Bulldogs. Quebec (pictured) did not play during the 1917-18 season.

Where did the NHL start?

The NHL started to play on December 19, 1917.

Where did NHL ORIGNIATE from?

The NHL was formed out of the National Hockey Association in 1917.

When did the NHL originate?

I believe it was 1917.

Whose occupation can be recognised by their headgears?

Headgears are recognised for a equipment for Rugby players which they wear during the field. Headgears are also used in NHL (Hockey), NFL (National Football League) and MLB (Major League Baseball). All these are use as a protective equipment.

When was it mandatory to where a helment in the NHL?

It was never a mandatory piece of equipment to wear, but eventually it was decided to be mandatory in mid 50-60s

Who won the NHL championship?

The 1917 NHL championship was won by the Toronto Arenas.

When was hockey established?

1917 was when the NHL was formed