According to the NFL rulebook, illegal formations, motions and substitutions all carry a five-yard penalty.
Boarding Charging Checking from Behind Cross-Checking Delayed Penalty Elbowing Fighting High Sticking Holding Hooking Interference Penalty Shot Slashing Spearing Tripping
There are no points for penalties in an NFL game.
15 yards is the penalty for spearing.
I think it is loss of down or a 10 yard penalty.
No it is not.
Hockey? Tripping, slashing, holding, high sticking are four of many penalties in hockey.
Yes. It is illegal to impede the progress of any player, regardless of whether the player is in possession of the ball, by sticking your leg out and attempting to trip them. The penalty is 10 yards.
These are types of penalties, but often used in lieu of the word penalty: minor, double minor, major, coincidental, misconduct, PIM (penalties in minutes), plus all the specific infractions that will cause a penalty such as tripping, hooking, etc...
No. Tripping by a blocker for the ball carrier or by a defender trying to tackle the ball carrier is illegal and is a 10 yard penalty.