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Internationally, a server has only 8 seconds to serve.

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Q: In high school volleyball how many seconds do you have to serve?
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Related questions

In a volley baall team how many seconds does the sever get to serve?

Five seconds. But not very many referees go by this rule in levels such as high school and middle school volleyball.

How many times can you serve volleyball?

In youth wreck, you can serve three times before the ball is handed over to the other team. I think in middle school, high school, and select volleyball, you can serve until you mess up.

How high is a serve in volleyball?

The height of the serve depends on how high you throw it and how you hit it.

In volleyball high school if a ball clips the net on a serve before going over is the ball still in play?


High school volleyball women net height?

The net height in girls' high school volleyball is 7' 4-1/8"

How come guys cant play volleyball in high school?

Guys are allowed to play Vlleyball in high-school, It depends on your education institution if they do Extra Curricular sport such as Volleyball. Volleyball may not be available to you to participate in school.

How do you make a perfect overhanded serve in volleyball and how to be sure to make the high school team help?

You practice everday @ your local gym and improve. Aim high, and square your body to the net

Is there beach volleyball in high school?

Depends which High School you're in, ask your Principal

What education is required to be a high school volleyball coach?

You must know a LOT. Many high schools are very serious about volleyball, and many of then played through high-school.

What is rotation in high school volleyball?

When your team scores a point and the previous serve was the other teams ball, you rotate clockwise and the person who was in front of the server before, will be the server.

What is the roster size for high school volleyball?


How many games make up a high school volleyball match?

In high school varsity volleyball games are played best 3 out of 5