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When a team kicks the ball, it gives up possession of the ball. I'm not sure if you meant whether a team that unsuccessfully attempts a field goal on second down is entitled to try for another field goal on third down, or if you meant whether a team that successfully kicks a field goal on second down gets another attempt to kick a field goal on third down, but in either instance the answer is 'no.' You only get one kick at the ball.

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You can, but coaches usually don't, considering that u still have about two plays left

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Yes you can return it for two points

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Q: In college football can you kick a field goal on 3rd down?
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In football what happens if you miss a field goal on first down?

If the field goal is blocked, and you recover, you can re-kick another field goal. If you miss the field goal it is a turnover. So, it is best to kick your field goal on 4th down

When can a football field goal be made?

A football field goal can be made whenever a team is close to their goal line and on 4th down. If they feel they are unable to complete a pass or run to make a 1st down they can attempt a field goal and take 3 points rather than 6 with a touchdown.

Why do college football not kick field gold from center of field?

Because it would be a sixty yard field goal, and only a handful of college kickers can make it from there.

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How do you player of football player?

The goal of football is to move the ball down the field and into the end zone for a touchdown.

What are your three choices in football when you have one down left?

Punt, Field Goal, or you can do for it.

How wide is a college football field?

A College Football field is 100 yards long, like an NFL field. There aren't many differences between College Football and NFL, except things like they have to be in College, so they can only play for four years, and the fact that only one foot has to be in for a catch to be complete.

Can a high school football team attempt a field goal on fourth down if they missed an attempt on 3rd down?

Yes. You can go for a Field Goal on any down and try again. Except For 4th of course.

What is the rule for a missed field goal in college football?

In college football, the rule for a missed field goal to the kicker's left is called wide left and conversely wide right if it misses to the kicker's right. It is described as short if it is aimed correctly but does not have the distance to go over the cross bar.

If in football you line up for a field goal but its a bad snap can you try again on fourth down?

Yes. If a field goal is attempted prior to fourth down and the snap is bad, the ball is not kicked, and the offense keeps possession of the ball, the field goal may be attempted on the next down.

In college does a missed field goal on 3rd down automatically go to the defense?


Points for a field in football?

3 points for a field goal in American Football