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you have to eep your head up to see what the players are doing

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Q: In basketball why is it important to keep your head up when in possession of the ball?
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How do you use basketball in a sentence?

"I love playing basketball with my friends." "Today is the first day for basketball try-outs." "That basketball still needs to be inflated." "Hey, pass me the basketball!" "Is basketball the most popular sport?" "First one to score 21 points wins the basketball game."

Why do you use an overhead pass in basketball?

to get the ball over the head of your opponent and to your player this is effective ageist small players.

Major basketball skills?

* Dribbling - Dribbling is a crucial skill in basketball. Learn how to control the ball at game speed and keep the ball away from the opposition. Staying low and keeping the ball at waist level will help you keep possession. Always dribble with your head up and look for your teammates. No double dribbling - when you have stopped dribbling the ball, you must either pass the ball to a teammate or take a shot. To check out some drills for improving your dribbling. * Passing - Passing is the best way to keep possession of the basketball and is a faster way of moving the ball up the court than dribbling. There are three main kinds of passes in basketball: the bounce pass, the chest pass and the overhead pass. * Shooting - If you can't shoot, then you won't score, so shooting is one of the most important basketball skills to develop. Learn the three basic shots: the layup, the set shot and the jump shot. * Pivot - Pivoting with the basketball alows you to change direction and look for a pass or shot. Remember not to move your pivot foot.

What are the general principles of basketball?

There are many general principles of basketball. Some of these include protecting the ball, always taking direction, moving to meet the pass, and never turning the head on a defense.

Is dribbling the ball over your head carrying?

There is nothing wrong with dribbling the ball over your head, even though you should dribble from the floor to your waist for proper dribbling. As long as you don't necessarily carry the ball, or put your hand under it to move the ball, it is not considered a carry.

Name a game where the ball might be bigger than your head?

Basketball, football, soccer, an if you have a tiny maybe baseball, softball, or lacross

How can you dribble better in basketball?

practice. and try not to look at the ball when you dribble, keep your head up. If you have dribbling goggles use them! goodluck!

What is basketball dribbling?

they way u move the ball by bouncing it on the ground actually here is a better answer. Dribbling is when you bounce the the ball on the ground while walking or running and you keep control of the ball

How long does it take to make a basketball?

its not how long you have to pump it, its how the ball bounces. its a good ball if you drop it from your head and it bounces at least to your hip

What joint is used for dribbling?

For dribbling in basketball, the wrist joint is primarily used to control the ball. Hand-eye coordination and finger control are critical to maintain possession while moving the ball up and down the court.

Why does the pressure inside a basketball increase when you bounce it on the floor?

the number of molecules changes

What are four important skills to dribble a basketball?

1. Dribble close to you and close to the ground. 2. Do not take your eye away from your defender; he can steal the ball at any time. 3. Do not try many fancy moves (i.e. behind the back passes) as your chances of retaining the ball are not good.