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yes because tyler nott is the best Basketball playa ever

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Q: In basketball can players form a circle around a player with the ball?
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Is Ray Allen the best basketball player?

no, because there are lots of other best basketball players. he might suck or not but it is ivies that there are lots of basketball players.

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What is basketball player?

A basketball players is someone who plays basketball. What did you think? If you don't know what basketball is ask someone because they will know. :)

How manyoffense players are on a basketball team?

in basketball, there aren't offense players and defense player. everybody on the team knows how to play offense and defense

Do basketball player have to go to college to play basketball?

NBA players dont have to ( like kobe)

Which basketball players have perfect games?

No basketball player has a perfect game. There is always room for improvement.

What special clothing does a basketball player use?

there's nothing special about what basketball players wear