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Umpires go inside to review tape and then they make the ruling. Players could also be sent out of rhe game.

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Q: In baseball what happens to the game if the manager is right with the protest?
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They have the 1st amendment right to protest on public property, so your answer is yes. Even though they do have the right it seems as if they are not respecting the family of the fallen solider in their protest at the funeral.

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Right to protest the government

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a 13 year old should have the right to protest its part of the 10 admenents that make our counrty how it s today if you are going to protest on the street then you need a primit in order to voice your oipnoins out in public also you have to protest peacfully

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The right to protest is guaranteed under the US constitution. We all have to support the freedom to protest, even if we do not support the protest itself.

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Almost half manager not semi manager yet but right below that.

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no the manager should not have the right not to accept the resignation of an employee, that right should be for the owner or top boss

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