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Your Triceps would be as its the opposite muscle to your Biceps

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Q: In a volleyball came when someone is serving if the bicep is the agonist What is the antagonist muscle?
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What are some good exercises for someone that is just starting volleyball?

I'm in volleyball and before we start to play we do some exercises like practicing serving and and we team up with a partner and we pass the ball until it falls

What drills should you run at a high school girls volleyball try out?

There should be serving, spiking, setting for someone to spike, bumping to a specific spot, and getting the ball out of the net.

What the definition of the antagonist?

An antagonist is someone who is against something and is not afraid to be mean about it. Another word for this is adversary.

What is the definition of antagonist?

An antagonist is someone who is against something and is not afraid to be mean about it. Another word for this is adversary.

What would an antagonist do?

an antagonist is someone that works to works to stop the protagonist. A protagonist is the main character.

Where would someone play volleyball in haiti?

They could play volleyball at the beach.

Who is awarded the ball in volleyball after someone scores?

The team that scores receives the volleyball again.

How did the inventor of volleyball die?

he was hit in the head with a volleyball. ironic, i know. but someone had it out for him i guess!

What are some antonyms?

An antagonist is someone who is an adversary, or someone who offers opposition. The opposite of that is a protagonist. The opposite of antagonist is neither protagonist nor agonist. The opposite of antagonist is synagonist. The antagonist is your opponent in which you are both after the same thing, he is "fighting against you". The synagonist is a competitor, that you are competing with, as in a foot race. A protagonist is the main character in a play.

Someone who stands in the way of the protagonist is known as?


What is an example of an antagonist?

An "antagonist" is someone in opposition or conflict.In literary use, the antagonist ("bad guy") is the person who is opposed to the protagonist ("good guy").An example of this would be the Joker as an antagonist of Batman.

What is a single word to describe someone who is standing against someone?

adversary antagonist opponent