Regular athletic shoes, like running shoes. I've worn converse but if you're trying out you really should have volleyball shoes to show that you know the sport.... Athletic shoes should be fine
Wear WATEVA shoes you want! :)
I think you answered your own question... Can you wear BASKETBALL shoes for VOLLEYBALL? -__- While your at it answer my question, can you wear boots when you go swimming? :P
they dont wear shoes cause they dont want to.
yes you can wear gloves for volleyball cause ur hand will turn reder if u dont wear gloves
its up to the people if they dont mine and if they want there house dirty
Sure,Why not .Skate shoes are made to get messed up so really, they are a all purpose shoe but skaters might yell/ make fun of you if you dont skate Yes, you should wear skat shoes even if you don't skate. For instance- i don't skate but i wear emerica skateshoes for biking and everyday wear.
Converse. totally. dont try Vans. they dont really match.
Yes you can we’re tent shoes but not slippers
They would wear their uniform, which includes their jersey, spandex shorts, kneepads, long socks, volleyball shoes, and their hair tied up (IF required by coach).
What I wear is a comfy t-shirt, soccer or sofee shorts, knee-pads, and fairly new not worn out of the house tennis shoes (you want to have good traction).
its up to the people if they dont mine and if they want there house dirty
You should wear shoes that other people wear if you want to have style. If you want comfortable shoes, you should wear slippers, or sneaker's. Sometimes I wear boots that are soft inside.